Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Antigone Quote and Question

My quote from Antigone is by the Ismene, who came in right after Antigone is brought to Creon because she buried Polynices. Ismene says,
"I did it-- yes-- if she will let me says so. I am as much to blame as she is."
My question is, why did Ismene do this? She seemed so opposed because of the threat of death, and now she wants to take credit for the burial. Why?

1 comment:

  1. I think that Ismene may have done this for one of two reasons. A possible one could be that she wants to defend her sister, as she does not wish to see her die as her brothers have. Another possible reason could be that she has realized that she should have actually helped Antigone bury her late brother. Maybe her thoughts about what Antigone was doing were rejecting at first, but as she thought about how she denied help to her sister, she regretted it...
