Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Photo Walk

I thought quite a bit about college on my walk. Perhaps it is because my family and I seem to always find ourselves wandering back into the same conversation about where I am going to school. I completed my applications for all of the colleges I am applying to. It is done, and yet there is so much to do. Walking was refreshing. Walking alone was different, but because I am such a social person, being alone is necessary for me, so that I can think about myself not in the context of others. I have to make this decision about college, and of course my parents preference plays a lot into the decision, but I have to remind myself that this is not their decision. My photos are of the city. I love this city, and it is sad that I am leaving, but some how my leaving will enable the city to still hold magic for me. This year in Seattle has been like no other. I've met people who's impression on me will stay for the rest of my life. I will keep these photos and all the rest I have taken throughout the year so that I can remember this year when it is gone.

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